10521 E. Genova
Residences at Waterfront
Listing Status:  SOLD!
You can see 10521 E. Genova by taking a room by room photo tour

Property Info

4,000+ Sq. Ft!

Awesome Curb Appeal!

Exceptional Quality!

Custom Pool!

4 Bedrooms, 5 baths

Fenced Yard!

Walk-out Basement!

Close to Everything!

For more information on 10521 E. Genova or other properties in Wichita, send E-mail to Frank Priest at Coldwell Banker Plaza Real Estate or call (316) 685-7121 (Cell)

Information is deemed reliable, but is not
guaranteed and is subject to change without notice.


Coldwell Banker Plaza Real Estate
Copyright 2017 by Frank Priest